6 Ways To Protect Your Online Documents

ways protect online documents file security

Documents are essential components of any business organization. They contain company and customer information, which is necessary for strategic decision-making. However, managing physical documents can sometimes be arduous. For that reason, companies are shifting to online document management systems. 

By storing your company’s documents online, you can maximize your storage space, enhance file retrieval, boost collaboration, and improve regulatory compliance. However, your online documents simultaneously become a target for online attackers. And if you aren’t careful, you can lose critical information or file data to hackers. Fortunately, there are some effective ways you can consider to protect your online documents. These 6 smart file security tactics include the following: 

1. Implement The Right E-Signature Technology 

You will still have to deal with physical documents until you invest in e-signature technology. With this software, you can attach a digital signature to online documents and send them to the intended recipient over the internet, eliminating the need for hard copies. 

However, not every e-signature tool is good for your online documents. Some are outdated and vulnerable to online attacks. Before installing e-signature software into your business systems, ensure it has the right security features. For instance, you may want to invest in a handwritten signature generator with multiple authentication options for signers and PKI tamper-evidence seal. 

2. Use Strong Passwords 

Another great way to protect your online files is to create passwords. You will need to create strong passwords for all your systems. This ensures that only authorized people can access your online documents. 

You can implement various strategies to establish strong passwords. Any password you create should be at least eight characters. Additionally, ensure you include lowercase and uppercase letters. You will also have to add a few numeral and nonstandard characters. Doing all this will make it hard for nonauthorized people to guess your passwords and access your online documents. 

However, dealing with several passwords can be a problem for many. For that reason, you should use consider using password manager software. The right application will efficiently manage all your passwords such that you won’t have to memorize them. It will also guide you to ensure you change your passwords regularly. Just make sure you choose a reputable password management company. You never know what software company you can trust these days, and every business or program can get hacked or leaked.

3. Adopt Two-Factor Authentication 

You should also adopt two-factor authentication (2FA) for your online documents. It provides an extra layer of protection to your data. Even if someone comes across your passwords, they can’t unlock your systems unless they identify themselves. Common two-factor authentication strategies typically include facial and fingerprint recognition which are highly secure. 

Now there are even multi-factor authentication (MFA) options for some logins. These add additional security layers including security questions and CAPTCHA tests along with text, email codes, or phone calls. While it can be a little bit repetitive to use multi-factor authentications every login, it really keeps your software and files secure.

how to secure online files

4. Encrypt Your Files 

Sending files online has risks. Sometimes, the documents can be exposed or delivered to the wrong people. That is where the power of file encryption can come in. 

Encryption technology enables you to change the language of your data from standard to nonstandard. With this system, anyone who wants to view and use your documents must have a binary code or key. There are several encryption solutions on the market. Ensure you take a moment to research them and invest in the right one for your business needs. 

5. Back Up Your Data 

Regardless of how businesses invest in cybersecurity, hackers always find new ways to steal data. This is why it is important to back up your documents. It ensures you can always recover any lost files through online attacks. 

For that reason, ensure you back up all important company information. You can achieve that by storing copies of your files in backup software, external hard drive, hardware appliances, removal media, or partnering with cloud backup services. 

6. Educate Employees On Online Data Security Best Practices 

The majority of online security failures are actually due to human error. Sometimes, you can lose your online documents because of employees’ ignorance or carelessness. So you need to train them on best data security practices. For instance, ensure you educate them on the importance of keeping passwords to themselves. Also, they should know the dangers of sharing company information or files with outsiders. 

Organize regular training sessions for your employees. You can consider training employees yourself or hiring security experts, depending on your budget and experience. Whatever you choose, employees should be equipped with the right information to help protect your documents and enhance your cybersecurity strategy

Top Takeaways Of Online Document Security Strategies 

Switching to online documentation can be a great way to enhance the growth of your company. It eliminates the need for a document storage space. This improved file security helps you to reduce costs and increase your profits. It also ensures employees can access files anytime, thus promoting company productivity. While this move exposes your data to online attackers, you can adopt the strategies above to protect your online documents.

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