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How To Boost Business With Professional Portrait Photography

First impressions matter online just as much as they do in person. Maybe even more. Everything from your email signature to your Twitter background can make a difference when it comes to marketing yourself. Image counts more than most of us would like to admit. Whether you are an aspiring model or a seasoned executive, a picture is worth a thousand words. It is about sending the right message to the right people and eliciting the desired response from your audience.  

Perhaps nothing is more influential than your headshot or portrait. It might be the only image that a customer, lead, or prospective employer will see from you. The right picture can make or break deals, interviews, or even entire careers. Your primary picture should convey to everyone that you are a serious and trust-worthy professional that can provide value and dependability.

Let's also not forget one undeniable fact: The first thing a person does when they see your name is to Google you. When you are Googled your profiles and pictures from Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Blogs and other websites will come up. Those top-ranked images better look professional or it could really damage your credibility. Removing questionable pictures and using SEO to rank your best pictures higher is always advised... but that's a whole other topic for a different article.     

There are plenty of online and offline locations where you can display your portrait. Here are some of the most important places that you want your professional photography portrait shown: 

• Social media profiles (especially LinkedIn)
• Email profile pictures
• Email signatures
• Website or blog
• Company database
• Resume or CV
• Marketing materials or logos
• Publications
Dating websites... don't pretend you weren't thinking it! 

Here's how to get your new professional picture just right:

1. Find A Professional Portrait Photographer

The first step is obviously to find a professional portrait photographer near you that fits your budget. Hop on the Bidvine website to find a photographer in close proximity and in your price range. You will find some of the best and most experienced photographers in the industry to fit your needs. They will provide you with high-resolution images that are edited professionally.   

Here is a bonus trick for pro headshots. If you are self-employed then you could legitimately write off the cost as a business expense. Or depending on your employer, you could get partially or fully reimbursed for the expense. A high-quality portrait of you can be beneficial to the company as well. 

professional portrait photography linkedin profile picture social media pic bootstrap business blog

2. Look The Part

You've heard the sayings before:

"Dress for success!" 

"Dress for the job you want, not the job you have."

Well, it is all true. The clothes don't make the (wo)man completely but they sure do help. Dress up as much or as little as needed depending on the job you are looking for or the customers you want to sell to. Make sure to shave, brush and floss your teeth, wear makeup and pick the right jewelry. 

Not everyone should be wearing a custom suit or a new tux. Dress for the part. If you are a personal trainer, wear a form-fitting polo shirt or a t-shirt. If you are a financial analyst, don't rock your favorite t-shirt in your pic. If you are an artist, skip the football jersey. You get the point here.

3. Location, Location, Location

While backgrounds can be edited by some professional photographers, the right background can add a lot of value to your picture. A house or condominium complex would be great for a real estate agent. Computers or servers could look cool in the background if you are a programmer. A bank or stock exchange would make for a nice background if you are an investment professional

Action shots can also convey that you don't just look good, you get things done! Just make sure that the background of your picture doesn't distract too much from the picture of you. 

4. Edit... But Don't Overdo It

There's nothing wrong with cropping or touching up a portrait or headshot. In fact, it can make a big positive difference. You might not be having your best day when the pictures are taken. People get sick, scratch themselves shaving, or have a blemish on their skin. Editing certainly comes in handy at times. 

But there is a fine line though when it comes to how much you edit pictures. Airbrushing or Photoshopping pictures too extensively could make you look foolish. Extreme edits will make you look fake or even deformed. It even happens to celebrities and billion dollar publications, and they have teams of top graphic designers employed. 

Keep the edits to a minimum if possible. A great photographer that creates a comprehensive album will help to make this possible. 

5. Update Your Picture Each Year

We all wish we looked the way we did years ago for 20 lbs ago, but that doesn't mean you should be using an outdated picture. Utilizing older pictures is misrepresenting yourself and could end up backfiring. If you show up for an interview or sales call and look nothing like your older picture, it could result in a distraction or even a loss of trust. Be honest, be accurate and be up to date.

Smile For The Camera!

Make the right first impression and get those professional portrait pictures taken today. Getting professional portrait photography is a smart investment that will pay for itself many times over. As soon as you get that new job or pick up that new client the dividends will start rolling in. 

Find a professional headshot photographer today on Bidvine and take your online presence to the next level!

I hope you enjoyed this blog post about the importance of professional portrait photography for digital marketing success.

Interested in more articles about making a good impression?

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Make Sure Your Business Makes A Good First Impression

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