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How To Become A Paid Influencer On Social Media

how to become a paid influencer on social media

Did you know that nearly half of people rely on influencers for product recommendations? Or that you can earn $1,000 or more per post? There has never been a better time to enter the paid influencer game on social media.

An influencer is someone who has influence over a particular market and is paid by various brands to promote their products or services. Do you want to become a paid influencer across your social media accounts? 

Follow these 5 marketing tips and you'll be well on your way to success as a paid social media influencer!

1. Understand the Types of Influencers

It might surprise you that not all influencers are created equally on social media. There are 3 main types of influencers on social media platforms.

a) Micro Influencer

A micro influencer offers a lot of authority but only to a small niche audience. They tend to have between 1,000 to 10,000 followers. They tend to offer cheaper services but are the easiest way to become a paid influencer.

Brands tend to prefer this group because they offer the most bang for their buck. They cost less to put out a campaign, but followers tend to engage in the brands these influencers post much more than larger groups.

b) Power Middle Influencer

These mid-level influencers have 10,000 to 100,000 followers. This group tends to be more experienced, hence the larger follower number. They have a topic of expertise but typically offer more engagement than the top tier, or at least more bang for their buck. They also usually have a more pure following, with less spam and bot followers that tend to accumulate at higher levels of online fame.

This is the tier where you're likely to be able to make a living out of this. Running your own brand and business can be difficult so study everything about the industry to become a paid influencer on social media with consistent income and longevity.

c) Macro Influencer

These are the big ones. The digital celebrities and mainstream celebs of social media. All macro influencers on social have hundreds of thousands of followers, and many have millions.

However, brands don't always prefer this group. While the reach is wider, their audience tends to engage with these links less often. So even if you never reach the level of digital celebrity, realize that you can do pretty well for yourself as an influencer in the middle or lower tiers.

2. Create Unique, Engaging Content

Today, your feed is actually more important than the number of followers you have. What really matters is how often your followers engage with the links you post. And when you have better content, your followers trust you and are more willing to engage with your content.

That means you're going to need to post quality photos. So make sure you have a good camera or a smartphone that takes high-quality photos. Remember, your photos will be what draws in your audience.

3. Stick to Your Core Values

You'll need to at least start out by having your own niche. So focus on using keywords that relate to your interests and lifestyle. This will make it easier to search for your content and help you build your own personal brand.

As long as you stick to the values you set out for yourself, you'll remain a trusted source for your followers. And remember, be yourself! There's only so long you can keep up a false appearance before faltering, so try to always remain true to yourself.

4. Network On And Off Social Media Platforms

Like any other business, networking is key for getting more businesses. Using networking platforms allow you to connect with brands related to your feed. Especially when starting out, this can be critical for brands to find you as a paid influencer on social media.

5. Don't Be Shy, Be Social!

If you want to build rapport with your social media followers, you'll need to engage with them. Take time to respond to comments, and leave comments on other accounts that you follow. These will build viability and reputation. 

And don't be afraid to reach out to brands that you like! It's a great way to find new brands to work with that fit your niche and get paid even more as an influencer on social media.

How To Become A Paid Influencer On Social Media: Now You Know So Start To Grow!

Now you know the basics of how to become a paid influencer on social media! It's time to cash in!

Interested in learning more about influencer marketing? Read more on our influencer marketing section of the Bootstrap Business Blog.