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How Digital Data Management Creates Business Growth

Nowadays, most businesses have to embrace digital technology in their structure, from the independent craft shop to the highly skilled IT startup. In fact, it has become difficult to function at a professional level without relying on effective software tools. The time of manual processes is long gone! 

Whether you work with an analytical software tool to gather your marketing data and identify patterns – for anyone in the marketing team, the most popular analytical software solution for web traffic is Google Analytics – or you simply use a cloud storage solution for your company data – no more print and file in a cabinet – it’s likely that your business is used to function with digital data processing tools already. 

But for small business owners there’s a silent question that needs to be addressed, namely can you use digital intelligence to manage your business data and create growth for your business? Can digital tools replace business acumen? 

Manage Your Productivity In A Click 

Mistakes happen. At your warehouse or in your shop, anyone could accidentally prepare the wrong item or assign the wrong team member and cost your company a lot of troubles and money. However, using an automated process via a workforce management system can avoid many human errors. That’s why HRIS Vendors offer a vast range of solutions that can help to manage your workforce effectively and even increase the employee satisfaction. More importantly, using biometric data, a software tool can improve security and maximize legal compliances with automated employees reports. All you need is a click to share tasks with your workforce at all times.

 Maximize Customers Engagement Automatically 

Hi John, please discover our latest news! We’ve selected them especially for you! 

This typical newsletter start is the result of an automated process. Applying automated marketing solutions to your online presence enables you to keep an active interaction with your customers with a minimum effort. All it takes is defining a chain of actions. If the customer signs up for the newsletter, then the tool will send the introduction email. If the customer lives locally, then the newsletter will promote the shop. For long-distance customers, the newsletter will introduce the online shop. If the customer has downloaded a white paper, then an email is sent to suggest further reads. In short, automation is about maintaining the contact with the customers with no manual effort. 

Understand Your Business Data At A Glance 

Your business collects data from a variety of sources that relate to your customers, productivity, investors, workforce, competitors, product quality, etc. The ability to compile specific data together to gain a multidimensional understanding of your business is called Business Intelligence, and it’s not a manual process. Businesses rely on full-stack BI tools to discover and visualize business patterns that couldn’t be identified otherwise. More importantly, BI tools support internal and external business decisions. Knowing how each process impacts your business is the best way to drive positive changes.

Digital data management tools are designed to help your business organize and handle specific data, from marketing to internal processes, via customer acquisition. Without data management software solutions there would be no cross-business data visualization and automation possible. So, at first, it would seem that digital data management can indeed support business growth. However, tools need to be setup manually: You can’t expect your automation solution to turn leads into customers if you haven’t fed engaging content into it. In the end, while digital data management tools can facilitate growth, they can’t create it. The final decision falls to us, the people using the data.

I hope you enjoyed this article about how digital data management can help to create business growth. 

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Published by Michael J Schiemer
Owner of Bootstrap Business
Money - Marketing - Motivation
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Mike Schiemer Builds Better Business

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